Thursday, December 27, 2007

2C:47-9 Establishment of program to record, analyze recidivism of convicted sex offenders.

2C:47-9 Establishment of program to record, analyze recidivism of convicted sex offenders.

1. a. The Commissioner of Corrections shall establish a program to record and analyze the recidivism of all inmates who are released from the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center, whether on parole or upon the completion of their maximum sentences. The purpose of this program shall be to assist in measuring the effectiveness of the center in providing specialized treatment to repetitive and compulsive sex offenders pursuant to N.J.S.2C:47-3.

b.The program shall record the arrests for all offenses committed by releasees for a period of five years following their release and any convictions resulting from these arrests. These data shall be analyzed to determine whether the rates and nature of rearrests and convictions differ according to the criminal histories and personal characteristics of releasees, the treatment they received at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center, length of sentence, conditions of parole, and such other factors as may be relevant to the purposes of this act.

c.The program shall also perform a comparative analysis of the recidivism rates and patterns of releasees from the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center with those of persons released from this State's general prison population and with sex offenders released in other jurisdictions with specialized programs for the treatment of sex offenders.

d.The department shall prepare and disseminate to the Governor and the Legislature reports documenting the program's findings, along with any recommendations it may have for legislation to improve the effectiveness of treatment offered by the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center.

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